Friday, November 6, 2009

November 9th. There is never enough time!

There never has been enough time. Now that I am a nana, it has gotten worse.

When my kids were young, I thought that when they were all grown and flown, I would have all the time in the world. If only I had known the truth: there never will be enough time. It reminds me of the joke that goes something like, "There are so many things I am supposed to do before I die, that I am going to live forever." Either that or I will have to start doing all those things faster. Trouble is I don't actually do things faster. I have always been pretty fast and efficient, so there just isn't that much room there. AND I have a list of things yet to do. I plan to blog about these things, if I have time!

* Complete a master's degree
* Get really good at the work I do. Since I didn't start it until my 50s, there is considerable room for improvement
* Lose 25 pounds!!!!!!
* Get in better shape - my new treadmill should help with this and why aren't I using the treadmill instead of sitting at my computer yet again!
* Finish gathering all the family history names that are available and inputting them into my genealogy program to share with my family; write my parents bios
* Read about 5000 good books I haven't cracked open yet

Hey, except for the exercise part, I sound like a nerd. Okay I'm a nerd. It's okay to be an old nerd. When you are past 60, you can be whatever you want. It is one of the only things about getting "older" that I accept. If there are people who do not accept me, (after all I've been this way for awhile, and I TRY to improve everyday, ) then I can simply ignore them. Otherwise I am in total denial about aging. I realize now that this is a time issue. I just simply do not have time for getting old and I have no interest in that lifestyle. There are enough old people around, and likely to be more, that I don't need to add to their ranks.

This blog is about my efforts to NOT get old.


  1. From what I have seen, not having time to get old is a family tradition! I am glad you are blogging! You are wonderful and thoughtful and I look forward to reading your thought!

  2. I sooooo looked forward to the day that my kids would be in school and I'd have all day to myself. HA! There's still not enough time. I guess I just need to learn to accept that there's simply never enough time....gotta somehow make time. :0)
